Aki egyet mond, mondjon kettot is (Kassa reloaded vol. 2)
Harmadik hete vagyok "alkalmazasban". Mondjuk ugy. Ha megcsap a Nyuszi
fele "most tenni kell valamit" szele, akkor intezkedek meg utanajarok.
Mobilszolgaltatocsere, bankszamlanyitas. Mindegyik elott korultekinto
valasztas, melyiket is. Mert ugye a felelossegteljes emberek igy
Kassa olyan, mintha nem is toltottem volna ot evet Pragaban. Felbukkan
egy-egy ismeros arc, akiket ket-harom-ot eve lattam utoljara. Olyanok,
akik ott voltak a telefonkonyvemben / cimlistamon es olyanok is, akik
Lakas. Az Safarik egyetem kolesza, se kozel, se messze a varosbol.
Panelhaz, amire kiraktak az egyetem cimeret (meg a szlovakot is).
Szoba ahol nem jo lenni. Kicsi es egyaltalan nem inspiral semmire.
Marmint semmi optimistara. De igen - elmenni onnan! Egy garzonkanak az
elfogadasan illegek-billegek. Panelhaz, hetedik emelet; elso a teto
felett, hetezer eszka. Ide mar csak szuk lepcsohaz vezet es a lift is
eggyel alant all meg leven hogy itt az aknat a gephaz foglalja el.
Nagyobb, mint David garzonkaja; de nem sokkal. Es nincs benne kumbal.
Van viszont kijarat az aszfaltszonyeggel burkolt es
villamharitovezetekekkel boritott tetore. Hm, szoval a kijarat
fogalom ebben az esetben igencsak adekvat... Hetvegen otthon
elfogadtam magamban hogy definitive kell egy kegli mert anelkul
tenyleg csak minimalis tulelofelszerelessel (egy hetre ot ing (lasd
munka), nadrag, csokkeno rendszeresseggel hasznalt vizforralo (Heder
Zolitol), notebook (minek?) meg fogkefe) van nem-berendezve a ize...
lyuk? Szoval kell egy. Garzon es magason ha panel vagy csaladi haz es
mindegy de magason... pince nem. Valami perverz vagy lehet hogy
legalabb fentrol szemleljem - ha kell - minden este a varost. Vagy
legalabb erezzem ugy.
Munka. Trening orrba-szajba. Nekem inkabb csak modjaval (nem sok uj).
Tisztelem is azokat, akik eddig nem talalkoztak ezekkel a dolgokkal es
most tenyleg tanuljak oket, akar otthon, melo utan is. TCP/IP, ISO OSI
modell, WAN (Wide Area Network) technologiak, IOS (Cisco berendezesek
operacios rendszere) kezelese. Szigoruan csak annyi, mint amennyire
nekunk, DTAC-oknak szuksegunk lesz. Innen 2 iranyba lehet menni;
menedzsernek vagy System Engineernek. A menedzser az vilagos; a SE
pedig meg tobb muszaki cucc. Aztan az is van hogy otthagyom oket.
Munkaido nekunk - ujoncoknak - hetente valtozik a 0730-1530 es
1400-2200 kozott. Ora ebedszunet.
Dresscode - szoval ing meg nadrag es lehetoleg nem szakadt. Open-air
irodatermekben epitheted ki a sajat kis munkaasztal-feszkedet. A
folyosokon hideg- es melegvizautomatak; kitchenette (kukta-konyha?)
kave- es kajaautomatakkal; be- es kijaratok automata elektromos
kartyakra mukodo nyito-csuko rendszerrel; automata szamitogepek az
uniformizalt asztalokon es elottuk automata uniformizalt emberek...
ja, ezek mi vagyunk. Stop.
Viktornak mondtam, hogy ugy erzem mintha egy inga lennek. Munkahelyen
kilendul jobb holtpontba; aztan felcipot le, szandalt fel,
nadragszarat felturni, szalmakalap oszt davaj. Inga a masik
holtponton. Ez a bal oldal, bar az az igazsak (vagy en hiszem azt)
hogy ebbol az oldalbol tobb van. Ja; mit fogunk csinalni? Managed
Router Services; Data testing & Activation Center. Tavolra fogunk
routereket troubleshootolni. Jea.
Otthon. Most szepen nez ki a kertunk. Nem csak azert mert aprilis van
es minden olyan zold meg sarga (gyermeklancfu), de foleg zold. Olyan
- kicsit lelegzetelallito, kicsit verpezsdito. Sem RGB, sem CMYK
koordinatak. Es egyik naprol a masikra tortent, epp husvetkor. Azaz
hogy egyik nap meg szurke a hegy mert csak a fak ures (rugyezo) agai
vannak elotte, aztan masnap zold. Lasd olyan. Husvet elott csutortok
ejel gyalog jottem haza Tornarol, utolso vonat fel ejfelkor ami csak
oda jar. A falu alatti nyarfak meg a nyarfakon levo gem- es
darufeszkekbol kikandikalo vastag (nyak+fej) es vekony (csor) palcikak
adtak szep sziluettet a mogottuk vilagito teliholdhoz. (A toban) mar
kelnek az igen kiss allatok, a teveben... vita ment Radicova meg
Gasparovic reszvetelevel. Kiveve a kozszolgalatit, mert annak rovid a
poraza. Hat igen; mint amikor osszel bognek a szarvasok az erdoben
(teszik a szepet a szarvasholgyeknek) - apam is mondta hogy latott ket
fallikus alakot az ut mellett. Szerintem a gyakorlonyilvesszo is
eleri a nemes szerveket; vasarnapi ebedet megse csinalnek beloluk.
Husvet hetvegen negy nyilvesszot eltortem. Ma vela veci na
odpustanie - tudom ki kinek mondta es meg mindig ervenyes. Jaszon es
Kassan is van ijaszklub. Trening kell mert a technikam csapnivalo.
Trening kell, mert marot frocsog bent ha lovok. Ja, azon kapom magam
hogy neha arra gondolok hogy ha nekem kertem lesz meg hazam... akkor a
kertet mogyorobokrok fogjak korulnonni olyan surun, hogy nem lesz
szukseg keritesre. Aztan gyorsan elhessegetem ezeket a gondolatokat.
Meg el kell mennem Marlboro vagy Camel dohanyert nyugatra.
Husvet. No hat nekem a husvetrol az volt az elkepzelesem hogy Novky
baratommal megyunk Morenat egetni de aztan kiderult hogy Humenne-n
lesz ez a performensz es nem. Most meg kulonben is ugy el a
kepzeletemben a husvet mint fiatal, egeszsegtol es erettsegtol
kicsattano leanyzok kergetozese ami fokozatosan pogany ritusba fajul
ver, tavasz, egyeb ajzoszerek es ugyancsak fiatal legenyek
bevonasaval. Husvethetfon Rudabanyai tonal (φ Latitude °N 48.39282335658861, λ Longitude °E 20.63755989074707). Szerenyebb meretu medenceben egy husz eve elhagyott felszini fejtes, ahol rezercet banyasztak.
Lefolyastalan; esovizzel feltoltve. A to. Termeketlen talaj; holdbeli
taj. A viz alatt is; ami kulonben (szinte) kristalytiszta, es
kekeszold-zoldeskek-azur-cian vagy valami inkabb tengert evokalo
foldontuli szinnel dicsekedhet. Nehol egykori teraszok meredek fala
ovezi, ami a viz alatt is jol lathatoan folytatodik. Husveti (tavaszi)
ajzoszerektol indittatva gyors martozas egy negy meterrel a vizszint
felett emelkedo terasz szelerol elrugaszkodva. Aztan kicsit meg is
ijedtem hogy mennyire melyen vannak alattam a kicsi hullamok. Kesobb
gondolkoztam hogy milyen jo lenne, ha mindenbe igy mennek -
korultekintoen (hozzam kepest) es fejjel elore.
Kassa. Tavaszi napsutesben vegigmenni a foutcan pofatlansag es
meggondolatlan cselekedet onmagammal szemben. A kassai lanyok szepek
es ok is erzik a tavaszt; ki is mutatjak. Es en? Van az a kivansagom
ami este szokott elojonni ha egyedul megyek haza es direkt a
sotet(ebb) helyeket valasztom; a varosi sorgyar omladozo epuletei
korul. Bar mar a sotet sem regi. Hogy belemkosson valaki es okot adjon
hogy megolhessem. Az a baj hogy tudom hogy masnap megbannam de megis
akarom. Bernard, Erzsebet utca. Emelet, ablakok a napfenyes kinti
vilagra. Szines, vilagos helysegek. Decemberben sakkoztam itt Somaval
ejjeli egy es harom kozott. Kicsit mas mint csikoeveimben (gimi), de
ugyanaz. Kapisto? Egyik falon teglamintazat es "Pink Floyd The Wall"
felirat. Akkor vettem eszre amikor eloszor alaultem. Meg kell
kerdeznem miert van itt mert szurja a szemem es nem is passzol ide.
Aztan van ugy, hogy egyedul ulok itt es leveleket irok (free wifi)
vagy olvasok. (most epp az elobbi; ha nem akkor itt van nalam "Tabor
padlych zien" (Anton Balaz) a Vydricai prostitualtakrol (Pozsony) akiket
munkataborba kuldtek ("sudruzky prostitutky") hogy joelvtarsembert
neveljenek beloluk vagy Feynmann fizikaeloadasai). Munka utan (2200)
jo ide beulni. Vagy most amikor otthon hagytam a szobakulcsot egy
Febiofestes film utan, amitol kicsit tobbet vartam. Analogia a pragai
"kaficsko" kozott? Bizok benne hogy talan van (tobb) ertelme. "Pretoze
sef ma rad Pink Floyd"
Viktor. Az apja cegeben dolgozik-nemdolgozik. Aztan majd vallalkozni fog de meg "anyasagin" van. Ahogy o mondta; hogy keszen legyen ha jon valami. Hogy jo eselyekkel indulhasson. Egy este (ejszaka) vele a varosban; different people & places. Fel Furcsara (lakotelep Kassa keleti
reszen), Filip baratjahoz akirol kiderult hogy manager az AT&T-ben es
majdnem kert tolem cigarettat (csikszeredai nadkalapban konnyu
kiszurni); Furcsai erdo valamikori katonai arkokkal majd belepes
Viktor deja-vu -jebe amikor egy libikokan probaltunk egyensulyi
helyzetbe beallni rajta allva. A libikokan. Elozo este errol almodott.
En ma reggelre almodva lovakat tanitottam edenykebol szurcsolve vizet
inni, valamint egy lanyt lattam amint a bozotbol hirtelen kiugro medve
leharapja a labait, majd a fejebol egy darabot (azt, ahol a szemei
vannak). Mar nem voltak ott es olyan volt a feje mint a hold kiflije
amikor nagyon fogy csak alulra forditva ugy hogy a fuleinel keskeny
sarok es az allanal szelesebb. A tobbi hianyzott, en megis ugy ereztem
hogy engem nez. Viktorral utoljara penteken talalkoztam utoljara; azon
a heten delutan voltunk es kihivott vacsiszunetben egy jointra. Kicsit
szabadkoztam mint a jokurva mert utana teszt vart WAN, TCP/IP es
IOS-bol. Krcma u pavuka; Viktor TU-s (muszaki egyetem) eveinek tanuja.
Fotbalek amiben nem voltam kepes golt adni neki meg ugy sem hogy
segitett (!!!). Nagyon tisztelem azert amit csinalt - elkezdte
magyarazni hogyan fogjam, jatsszam, de nagyon nehezen ment. Volt
nehany perc amikor elveztem a jatekot de ha belegondolok akor egy nagy
cel nelkuli kapkodast produkaltam. Ez faj. Mert ez most talalobb
analogia, mint a fejesugras. Elonye ha beszelgetunk, hogy tudatositom
hogy ot tenyleg erdekli amit mond vagy gondol az ember es ha
valamirol beszelunk akkor az 100%-os jelenlet. Koszonet erte.
A teszt utana persze nagy kapkodas volt; elozo alkalommal a
feladatokkal negyedora alatt megvoltam es aztan mentem magyarazni a
tobbieknek; most deadline-ig troubleshootoltam a sajat hibaimat ami
egyreszt jo lekcio a panik ellen, masreszt lattam hogy szukseges a
dokumentacio es terv. Tukor volt az elethez ahnnan ez ugyanugy
hianyzik. Fekete pont. A masik pedig azert, mert szerintem meg voltam
ijedve vagy valamilyen buntudatot ereztem - a Code of Conduct, amit
belepeskor alairtunk egyertelmu intezkedeseket hordoz ilyen
cselekedetekkel kapcsolatban. Ra is kerdeztem valamelyik "okitas"
soran. De nekem nem szabadna felnem! Tudom hogy tudom maskepp is.
Viszont kimeritett a csocso is - hogyan rakjam helyre?
Novky. Gimiben ismertem meg, akkor foiskolas informatikus. Tole ered
az eukaliptusz (beedies) meg a zsoli iranti affinitasom. Elobbit a
koleszunk nyolcadik emeleten ami kozepiskolas es hottszigoru
drogmentes es kesoigvarosbannemmarado legkort kovetel meg de a
nyolcadik emelet egyharmadan fosulisok laktak es ennek folyosojan
elvezettel es buntetlenul lehetett megszegni a szabalyokat tettuk is,
szinte napi szinten mukodo delutani zsoli-sessionjeink
megszakitasakent. Brutalis kezugyessege / mozgaskoordinacioja van, ami
a kezet es ujjait illeti. Lehet hogy csak gyakorlat kerdese, de
gyonyoruen banik a kesekkel. Szoval egymasba botlottunk a multkor ot
ev utan (Bernard). Mindig jokedvu (hatha ramragad) es van ertelme.
Neki. Kassai egyetlen filmklub szuk szeksorokkal - Cinefil. Itt sajnos nincs Aero, Oko,
meetfactory-beli mazochizmusok Zbigniew Liberaval sem Filip 16mm-es vetitogepe a
Souterrain-ben. Kerekes Peter uj filmje, aki tuti dokumentarista
(elozo filmje a "66 Szezon" a kassai furdorol iskolapeldaja a jo
nem-dokumentumfilmnek). Embereket beszeltet akiknek valami kozuk van
hozza - de olyan szemelyesen. Ez a mostani a katonai szakacsokrol
szolt. Szerb szakacs, orosz szakacsno aki a sztalingradi pilotaknak
fozott, zsido aki a koncentracios taborbol kert peksegbe athelyezest
hogy az SS-esek kenyeret megmergezze. Nemet tengeralattjaroszakacs -
rizses hus 19 megfulladt harcostarsnak. Absztrakt inditas - helikopter
emeli levegobe a mobil tabori konyhat; itt-ott idoutazas nehay
felvetel alatt (a kukoricasmezo a meselo elbeszelese kozben csataterre
lenyegul es valos a hajsza). Zarokepkent a vegtelen szurke tenger
felett kilebeg a kepbol a "repulo" konyha... Nezzetek meg, ha
tehetitek! Nem csak a dokumentumerteke, hanem az emberek es a haboru
egyuttletezeserol is.
Folyt kov (low battery)
elfeletkeztem a nagybetukrol (Kassa reloaded vol. 1)
az emberekkel. ez itt egy kis segitseg nektek hogy ha legkozelebb
lattok pillanatnyi zavarba hozzatok elfelejtett igeretek es meg nem
tortentnek hitt dolgok felemlegetesevel.]
David, kell egy cseh cim ahova a brunni kozlekedesi vallalat kuldhet
nekem levelet. ajanlva lesz es kuldok hozza meghatalmazast hogy
atvedd. azt is ajanlva. a fokhagymas mez majd jol jon a kovetkezo
mas. kedden beteg meghallgatas 3 oran at at&t-nel written & speaken
inglis, tech test, interview, group aktiviti aztan tali Viktorral es
nalezite szetesve az autobuszon hazafele kielemeztem hogy miert nem
leszek / vagyok jo technikus / rendszergazda. volt egy role-play ahol
support-ot kellett adnom akarmilyen nagy hal kasztomernek es eleg
messze voltam a stay cool attitudtol. igaz hogy kozben hoemelkedesem
volt es hangom kevesbe. foleg azert mert olyam kerdeseket tettem fel,
amikkel inkabb kibuvot kerestem mint megoldast.
szerdan a varratok kiszedettek, hivtak at&t-tol hogy fel vagyok veve.
a post neve "dtac engineer" a roviditest meg kell kerdeznem mert
nemtom, az engineer meg azt jelenti hogy a corporate taplalkozasi
piramisban nem sokkal a portas meg a takaritono folott helyezkedunk
el. szoval fuckin corporate workhorse. de elfogadom mert... mert
ugysem ezt akarom csinalni es mer' Kassa jo es legalabb kinyaljak a
seggem (Cisco certifikacio, angol leckek) amellett hogy kipreselik
belolunk a szuflat is (alkalmazkodunk az us working time-hoz szal a
main shift cca 1330-2300) meg megolik az idealjainkat (galleros felso,
no szandal - no erre kivancsi vagyok, marmint magamra). min fel evet
biztos le kellesz huznom itt, aztan...
penteken orvos mert meg nem labaltam ki a virusbol, hetvege lebzseles
es semmitteves gyogyulas cimen. epp eleg is volt belole. szombaton
megszabadultam a faslitol, mar tudok 9 es fel ujjal irni a
klaviaturan. ez civilizacios artalom, az ijat nehezebb ujra kezbe
venni. meg a furulyat is. masfel het is eleg ahhoz hogy az agyam
elkezdje ugy kezelni az ujjamat mint egy "koloncot". mert neha azon
kapom magam hogy ugy hasznalom hogy nem hasznalom epp azert mert
masfel hetig nem nagyon lehetett. szoval a kontaktlencse-szindromanak
nem kell 12 ev a kialakulasahoz.
most alberlet kereses Kassan, es valoszinuleg elkezdek utananezni
milyen jogi lehetosegei vannak hogy maganszemely a velemenyet valamely
kampaeni segge alol az illeto kampaeni kepebe nyomja. nyilvesszostul,
ha almodok akkor a the end refrenje zeng az apokalipszis most-bol
("Fuck! fuck! fuck! Yeah.") mar csak azert is erdemes kibirni a
harmadik ora vegeig hogy ne kelljen meg egyszer probalkozni a
vegignezesevel. a multkor a nyilvesszoket meg a landzsat sem
tudatositottam. meg a koarcot az elejen meg a vegen aki csak csendben
kozeledik ax esos evszakban. az orulet szokott ilyet csinalni. de az
nem dugja az ujjat mixerbe. van terve.
szarad fel kint az eso, megyek futni
(standardizalt befott)
Roger Waters World Tour 2007 (Prague, 13th April)
So, first of all - I should clarify that I consider myself more a fan of the earlier Floydian psychedelia then Waters' melancholic solo works.
Well, as all of the events of greater importance in one's (mine?) life; the opportunity to attend a live Waters show in Prague caught me somehow unprepared. In fact, I headed out with no ticket in a hope that getting one shouldn't be a problem. As the ticket clerk informed me, it was totally sold out with only VIP tickets left (living on a student's budget they weren't in my financial reach anyway). This is where the miracle came in. A man just next to me turned and offered his ticket because he was going to buy a VIP one anyway (thanks, pal!). Sometimes I get the funny feeling that events of this kind just invisibly follow me waiting for a chance and a right moment to appear.
Meanwhile a 15-minute delay was announced because a large crowd was still waiting to check in. All concert goers and their bags had to go through some metal detectors. I personally found it quite humiliating. Also I had to get rid of the tea from my thermos flask. While getting to the upstairs area on the escalators I noticed that the Sazka Arena's architecture managed to plant some sterile and alienating impression on me. Almost unconsciously, the so-many-times repeated lines from THX-1138 movie came into my mind ("For the greater efficiency, consumption is being standardized.")
Sad that I missed the first two songs - "In The Flesh" and "Mother," and the intro with Vera Lynn's "We Will Meet Again" (it was supposed have been played coming from the on-screen radio, according to the Cologne Apr. 16 Show review). During In the Flesh, I'm curious as to whether Roger made the crossed-arm symbol (as presented by Pink in "The Wall") as he appeared on stage. Concerning "Mother," it's a pity that I cannot answer the question whether it resembled the a-bit-dry as compared to "The Wall" version or the one on the "Is There Anybody Out There?" album with the enhanced melodies and more outstanding keyboard.

I arrived it the meddle... uh, middle of the "Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun" which is a choice you cannot go wrong with. I was deeply impressed only by the appearance of this song in the set-list; but listening to it anytime calls for an encore! The visuals tried to bring back the essence of the 60's psychedelia with more or less success - I liked them. Definitely one of the sweet-spots of the show. "Shine On You Crazy Diamond" was just a mere standard; "Have a Cigar" a great song to bring in some diversity followed by "Wish You Were Here". Umm... I saw nothing wrong with them (Shine On... & WYWH) but they seem a bit overrated to me and had been performed so many times, that a little change wouldn't have hurt - "Saucerful of Secrets" anyone, maybe?
The next pleasant surprise was "Southampton Dock"; the song I liked best from "The Final Cut" album with greatly described melancholy and very touching melody. It deserves a honourable mention, at least. But it seems to me it's only purpose was to act as a prelude to "Fletcher Memorial Home"; which was a bit too large a dose of "The Final Cut" for me. I definitely could live with less.
The words from "The Ballad Of Bill Hubbard" and a flying figure of an astronaut marked the transition to Waters' only solo album from which songs were presented here - the "Amused To Death". I cannot say I can agree with its lyrics, but musically - "Perfect Sense Parts 1-2"... it was simply great; the screen showing a submarine attacking a oil derek at the center of some Coliseum-looking arena, Waters conducting the crowd, huge explosions and the wonderful vocals... It was THE song of the evening; if I could make one suggestion for improvement - let's keep it for the encore. While enjoying the song, I wished I had been in the centre of the boiling crowd in front of the stage instead of sitting high in the middle-left of the auditorium...
Before the next song, Waters gave a short speech to the audience. He returned to memories of his youth when he was hitch-hiking in Beirut and how he realized his Arab host possessed all the human qualities which some people in the West are still missing. The song was "Leaving Beirut". As far as I know; it's a new song and hasn't been released yet. It seemed an average creation to me, it didn't catch me - nor did the music or the words.
It's a bit different with the "Sheep". Genial performance with videos that matched the mood of this song very well. Even the good old building of the Battersea power station showed up for a few moments. I don't know whether the words of Roger's version of the lords prayer were intentionally left so hard to understand - it could use a bit of correction. The standard equipment was used during the "Animals" - related songs, the pig 'on the wings' made it's appearence; this time painted with slogans against Bush and religion. It was a great piece for the end of the 1st half of the evening.
During the 15-minute break I just lurked around until I happened on some 'merchandise' stuff, but the prices were too steep for me. Yeah, I felt this is not the place where most of this stuff would be sold. The only thing I got was the grainy-looking black & white poster of the young Roger holding his bass guitar, and a nice conversation with the girls selling them. But soon I went back to my place as the famous heart-beat (and the maniacal laughter, of course) announced the beginning of the... "I've always been mad; I know I've been mad, like most of us are. Very hard to explain why you're mad, even if you're not mad..."
Yes - in the next part of the show; the entire "Dark Side of the Moon" was going to be performed. Looking back - it was a bit too predictable, but what else would you expect from this album? Concerning "On the Run (The Travel Sequence)" - I was disappointed that the excellent video presented at "Pulse" (Gilmours version) didn't make its appearence here. Instead, there were some colourful visualizations overlayed with a running steam locomotive... but no plane crash. Sorry, folks. It made me a bit sad as this was one of the things I really looked forward to. Followed by "Time" - the drum solo at the beginning sounded somehow... plain and it wasn't as dramatic and rich as the one in "Pulse". It was interesting to notice how the tic-tac noises were made by Roger on the bass guitar. I missed the warmth and softness of Wright's vocals in the refrains, too. I surely liked "Us and Them"; another example of a great song combined with matching visuals; and to me, "Any Colour You Like" seemed a bit too short. The rotating prism with the 'any colour you like' lightbeams was worth it to see too. The first part of the evening definitely made a deeper impression on me though.
As the first encore; "The Happiest Days Of Our Lives" with the spotlights searching through the audience - was just another prelude to "Another Brick In The Wall" where most of the audience went crazy. Hmm... another song I should avoid; but at least there was some decent solos in it. To me, the most precious moments in the second half were during "Vera". I was totally blown away to hear it. It creates the atmosphere of a bit of painful nostalgia as it's sung in a world that's wasn't supposed to be; as if someone is asking very gently, but with heartfelt meaning, 'what went wrong?'... the lost moments of cheer... it's so much apart of this song.
I was distracted from my thoughts by the chorus of "Bring The Boys Back Home" where I realized "Vera" was - hate to say - yes, an interlude and as it later turned out; "Bring The Boys..." was another interlude to segue into "Comfortably Numb". While "Bring The Boys..." had to carry some political message, "Comfortably Numb" was supposed to be the last song, with the videos showing some close-ups of hands holding a half-burnt cigarette - the same theme as apeared in the movie "The Wall" but without the conclusion of the birth of Pink the Dictator. Mmm... could I suggest "Run Like Hell" as a closing song? There's the same thing with "Comfortably Numb" as I mentioned about Wish Your Were Here. ...give us a dynamic and truly powerful ending that Run Like Hell certainly provides, and which pleases every paranoid's heart! (or am I just pampered too much by Gilmour's "Dark Side of the Moon" and "Pulse" shows?)
To summarize - my feelings about the gig are rather mixed; for me - besides being a score on my gunstock - it seemed that the concert faded only to be a social event, with a presentation of the past... Don't get me wrong, I liked it, but in my opinion that just wasn't the ideal way. Yes, I'd like to hear more "Astronomy Domine" and "Interstellar Overdrive"; perhaps "Careful With That Axe, Eugene" or "Green Is The Colour" oldies not just the ones from a few chosen albums. Another note: after the show I checked and compared the set-list with the 2006 tour (didn't do that before the gig) and barely noticed any change. It seems Roger just got stuck in one place. Never mind, that's what we like, that's what we want. And whether we will get it or not? That's Roger's choice...
[In the hope that Michael Simone won't mind; I will publish a PS from his reply. It's worth to read through it. It's year 2009 now when I remembered his words. You won't step twice into the same river. Not just because of the river.]
PS... Just a personal note; while many of your criticisms were valid and each has his own perspective and feelings during a show, it seemed that your attendance of the show was negatively prejudiced before you went, and that negativity and too high of expectations ruined any real enjoyment of the show for you. Gilmour's Floyd is no more, and although you definitely seem much more a Gilmour fan and not at all a Waters fan, your negative prejudice seems to blind you. All the video's, pyrotechnics, special effects and inflatables might seem to you to be something you should expect as standard in any Floyd performance but your critical outlook seems to have blinded you to the fact that you will likely never see a show like that again in your lifetime. That no other artists put on such an extravagant event nor a performance so spectacular. With your prejudged attitude of expectations you kept yourself from enjoying one of the best shows you might ever be able to experience. And by the way, Roger didn't do On the Run, as this was one of the two songs from The Wall David wrote, and Roger would rather play the stuff he wrote. Sorry you didn't enjoy the show as much as you could have.
-- "Hey, everybody's got baggage, everybody's got pain, live your life to the fullest but never, ever forget where you've been and whatever good fortune you've been given."